• Question: If you could change one thing about modern engineering what would it be and why if not do you think anything needs to be improved?

    Asked by unicorn1 to Mark, Andrei, Dominique, Masha, Sarah on 12 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by Naziaxo_Wattpad.
    • Photo: Mark Catherall

      Mark Catherall answered on 12 Nov 2016:

      Interesting one. I dunno, I mean, I’d make the US use SI units instead of stupid imperial units, but that’s not really a proper thing. I think a lot of people think that Big Data is a thing that they should be doing somehow but they have no idea what it is or what they might get out of it – that’s pretty irritating, I think I’d get rid of that.

    • Photo: Sarah Hunt

      Sarah Hunt answered on 13 Nov 2016:

      I would improve diversity in engineering, I’d like to see more females in the industry. There’s a lot of work going on to improve this, and it’s improving every year, but I’d speed it up a little 🙂

      One of the reasons diversity is so important is that, if engineering is only open to men, then companies are only choosing engineers from half the population of people in the world. The companies are therefore missing out on the best engineers from the other half of the population, the females. And there are a lot of tricky problems in the world that need solved by the best engineers.
