• Question: how do you whiten your teef using engineerin

    Asked by angelmary.ig to Andrei, Dominique, Mark, Masha, Sarah on 16 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Sarah Hunt

      Sarah Hunt answered on 16 Nov 2016:

      Great question. That’s a nice problem for chemical engineers to work out a solution to. Do you like chemistry at school?

      There are four main groups of engineering: ‘mechanical’ engineering which is a lot to do with moving parts, ‘civil’ engineering which is more to do with stationary structures, ‘electrical’ engineering which is everything inside your computer and mobile phone and ‘chemical’ engineering which is mostly the chemistry that you can’t see without a microscope, in things like medicines and shampoo.. and toothpaste!

      I am a mechanical engineer, so I’m afraid I don’t know exactly how this would be done. Probably the most well known chemical engineering company is called Procter and Gamble. Look at your shampoo when you get home and you might just see the letters ‘P&G’. These would be the best engineers to solve your (very interesting) problem ?
